Текст песни
Your reflection on a blade edge rends the air and my wish is
Wandering the autumn sky
The side of your face looking not as strong
I still can’t get close to you
The more I try to forget, the more I remember
I resisted yesterday, now it stabs me
Our sleeves touched before dawn
We can’t go back to before we met
Flowers will bloom for anyone
Even if my feelings don’t reach
With something as trivial as love
The tracks of my tears can’t be erased
But if one day I forgive
Tomorrow reflected on a blade edge
Each wandering the autumn sky
Penetrates straight through now
And your feelings will take you far away
I want to remember
With these hands that are not free to move
What meaning should I grasp
To atone, to connect with forgiveness and receive, day in and day out
My heart is red and black, dark and thick, taste of metal
Hurry ahead Tears are rivers flowing towards tomorrow
Wandering the autumn sky
The side of your face looking not as strong
I still can’t get close to you
The more I try to forget, the more I remember
I resisted yesterday, now it stabs me
Our sleeves touched before dawn
We can’t go back to before we met
Flowers will bloom for anyone
Even if my feelings don’t reach
With something as trivial as love
The tracks of my tears can’t be erased
But if one day I forgive
Tomorrow reflected on a blade edge
Each wandering the autumn sky
Penetrates straight through now
And your feelings will take you far away
I want to remember
With these hands that are not free to move
What meaning should I grasp
To atone, to connect with forgiveness and receive, day in and day out
My heart is red and black, dark and thick, taste of metal
Hurry ahead Tears are rivers flowing towards tomorrow
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